Astroids in Astrology!
August 17, 2023
Fama (408): Where are we going to obtain fame? By doing what or behaving which way.
Honoria (236): Have many honors, recognition and appreciation from the people.
Glo (3267): Glowing, shining and attracting attention.
Lumiere (775): Where and how do we shine? “Standing under the reflector”
Apollo (1862): Talents, shining, being adored.
Charis (627): Charisma and beauty.
Mireille (594): Gaining easily the respect, love, devotion and admiration of people.
Europa (52): This asteroid has been linked with fame and recognition.
Kleopatra (216): Being respected, admired por liked by our communicating style. Natural charm.
Populus (8647): Being popular and well known.
Starr (4150): Shining, standing out.
Musa (600): Inspiring other people.
Zeus (5731): Gaining fame or standing out.
Abundantia (151): Having a lot of money. Abundance, if well aspected can indicate an inheritance.
Banks (13956): Our money management. Loans, debts.
Fortuna (19: Fortune in Spanish.
Ganesa (2415): Abundance, fortune, luck.
Gold (4955): Valuable things, possessions.
Golden (4423): Same as gold.
Mony (7782): How can we obtain money. Having money easily. Area of our life that we can obtain money. People that can help us getting money.
Oro (4733): Means “Gold” in Spanish.
Rockfellia (904): Linked to money, earnings.
Silver (5325)
Tyche (258): Fortune. If it’s well placed this could indicate having a lot of money and fortune.
Fierz (48782): Being protective and fierce, Standing up for what you think is fair.
Nemesis (128): Traits of the person that we consider our enemy. In which area of our life are we going to find that person.
Lampetia (393): Protective, caring and defensive nature. Worrying about others.
Gloria (34047): Means “Glory” in Spanish. Where do we feel glorious?
Kalchas (4138): Prophetic abilities, divination.
Estrella (11697): Shining, standing out. Someone beautiful. Related to astrology and its study.
Unitas (306): Working in a team. What is our opinion in working in a team?
Queens (5457): Someone beautiful, loved by others. Many people can worry about this person if the asteroid is prominent.
Odin (3989): Powerful individual. Someone strong, respected and admired by many. This power can make us somewhat intimidating.
Constancia (315): Perseverance, patient person. Someone that does not give up easily.
Universitas (905): Our life in the university. Universities. What could we study? (Having this asteroid in Earth houses could indicate working as a teacher).
Laertes (11252): Being independent, relying only on ourselves. Not feeling support.
Sano (8660): Someone healthy that worries about their well-being.
Kitty (9563): Loving cats. Behaving like a cat.
Sado (118230): Things that make us sad, things that we have a hard time expressing. Frustration, sadness.
King (2305): Powerful individual. Leadership abilities, eloquence. If bad aspected can lead to a superiority Complex.
Rey (13647): Means “King” in Spanish, so we gave it the same connotation.
Freia (76): Someone attractive and liked by others. Type of beauty. Fertility.
Erida (718): Hate and being hatred. Negative traits that we can’t stand. For interpreting this asteroid better, just be conscious about the negative traits of the sign that it’s placed in.
Champion (8732): Being, feeling or being seem as invincible.
Merlin (2598): Interest in magic. Prophetic abilities.
Elips (59): Having faith or on the contrary lack of faith (when is making many hard aspects).
Mentor (3451): Someone that would teach you many important lessons. How do we counsel others. What type of mentor do we are?
RIP (10370): It can give us insights about our death. Where are we likely to get huge transformations?
Fay (4820): Being dreamlike or out of this world. Ethereal and mystic beauty.
Meta (1050): Talks about our goals and aspirations. How do we behave when we are achieving our goals?
Dones (21965): Means “gifts” in Spanish. At what are we gifted?
Born (13954): This can give us insight about our birth and its circumstances.
Altjira (148780): Great work ethic, being productive, energetic and oriented to accomplish their goals.
Meesters (10647): What are we likely to master? Being perceived as high qualified or as an expert.
Hermes (69230): Intelligence, being clever and witty. Good luck and linked with a sharp thinking.
Khufu (3362): Big dreamers, being a visionary. Building up our dreams.
Alice (291): Being curious, love travelling and adventures. Being a wanderlust.
Micromegas (224617): In which situations do we put small effort and receive huge results? This is also linked to objective and rational critics/observations.
Ceto (65489): Great imagination, being a visionary and a dreamer.
Amphirite (29): Someone mysterious, enigmatic. If its prominent it can indicate that we like to be persued or chased in love.
Erda (894): Links to our past lifes, things from other lifes that we carry. Some astrologer mention that it has a link with our North Node.
Hygeia (10): This asteroid is related to health, and I’ve noticed that the sign that is placed in can indicate which illness are we most likely to have. Ie. In Aries could indicate having a lot of headaches.
Amalthea (113): Sweet and caring type of love. Almost maternal/paternal. Nurture others and make them feel protected.
Solidarity (8992): A caring and empathetic person, in addition, teamwork is easy for them.
Humboldt (4877): Having a thirst for knowledge. Inquisitive mind, someone scholar.
Adrastaeia (239): Things that we think that we can’t scape from. Things that hunt us.
Echeclus (60558): Having strong opinion and mentality. Someone with a mental balance and non-judgemental.
Ignatius (3562): Linked to lust. Shining, glowing. Ardor. If bad aspected can indicate fanaticism.
Nephthys (287): Soul rebirth. Devotion, loyalty and durability.
Galatea (74): Linked with creativity and being inspired. Also linked to love triangles.
Pratoclus (617): Friendship, loyalty and support. If is conjunct to some of our planets we have those quelities. In synastry it indicates that we perceive the other person like this.
Demeter (1108): Taking care to others. Linked to fertility. Nurturing others and us.
Amycus (55576): Someone notorious, insightful and intuitive. Determination and reliability.
Probitas (902): Being good and excelent. Linked to honesty and appropiate.
Asmodeus (2174): Linked to lust. Things that we can become obssessed with.
Hylonome (10370): Good psychologists. Talent at analyzing people’s conduct. Wise counselor.
Calliope (22): Writing and singing.
Murray (941): Excellent communicator. Amazing writer/speecher. Diplomatic and social skills.
Lumiere (775): Acting abilities.
Erato (62): Writing poetry, and things related to romance and erotic.
Anahita (270): Creative and therapeutic talents.
Cantor (16246): Someone that sings a lot. Singing style.
Poesia (946): Which means Poetry in Spanish.
Melpomene (18): Acting abilities. Dark writing.
Harmonia (40): This asteroid is related to singing.
Cook (3061): Cooking abilities.
Thalia (23): Ability to entertain and for comedy.
Elatus (31824): Being good at speaking in public. Amazing speeches. Eloquence and leadership abilities.
Singer (10698): Singing abilities and talent. Our singing style.
Terpsichore (81): Liked to dancing and singing.
Makhaon (3063): Talent for healing and medicine.
Piani (10573): Related to the piano. Playing this instrument.
Arrokoth (486958): Talent for astrology or astronomy. An interest in the sky.
Euterpe (27): Musical talent.
Biblialexa (51895). Writing or reading books.
Pintar (33103): Means “Painting” in Spanish.
Mc Elroy: This asteroid shows our ability by the house in which it is placed.
Aura (1488): Ability to see the real aura or intentions of people.
Telephus (5264): Linked to telepathy and “read others minds”.
Spirit (37452): Seeing entities, communicating with them. Mediumship.
Horus (1924): Linked to opening the 3rd eye.
Teller (5006): People with prominent teller can be amazing tarotists.